Citation Needed

    Citation Needed






    Dec 17, 2023

    Citation Needed is a critically acclaimed newsletter by Molly White, a cryptocurrency critic, technology researcher, and software engineer. With over 20,000 subscribers, the newsletter provides a critical perspective on the happenings in the technology industry, with a special focus on cryptocurrency.

    The newsletter features weekly explainers that delve into the latest developments in the cryptocurrency industry. It also includes summaries of the most recent disasters featured on Molly White's well-known project, "Web3 is Going Just Great". This project highlights examples of how cryptocurrencies and web3 projects often fail to live up to their promises

    Apart from these weekly updates, Citation Needed also offers deep dives into significant events in the technology industry. These deep dives are tailored for the layperson, and they provide the critical context that is often missing from other sources. This feature makes the newsletter a convenient and reliable source of information for anyone interested in understanding the complex world of technology and cryptocurrency.

    In addition to the weekly newsletter, Molly White also maintains a comprehensive archive of past issues on her website. This archive is a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore past developments in the cryptocurrency industry.